Health & Wellness Coaching

Health and Wellness Coaching at Clearline

Clearline’s always been about…

Since Clearline Services Ltd drew its first breath in 2009, we’ve been all about helping businesses get fitter and healthier, and we’ve done it by sharing what we’ve learned about effective management systems and performance improvement processes.  We’ve always believed that getting the most out of your relationships with your customers depends on doing things better, quicker and more economically and that prevention is always better than cure.  And it’s your relationships with your customers that keep you in business!

Now we’re moving into doing the same for you, personally.

Do you feel as healthy and well as you’d like?

Sadly, many of us are neither healthy nor well.    We go to a doctor when we feel sick but how about taking steps to avoid getting sick in the first place?  Just like Clearline business support services, our Health & Wellness coaching is all about prevention being better than cure.

And are health services really sickness services?

Currently most so-called “Health Services” are really “Sickness Services” because they offer very little preventive advice or support around lifestyle changes that might avoid their patients having to seek their services in the first place.  I’d say that if you’re not sick, you’re GP might not have anything to offer, and neither may she/he have either the time or the inclination to discuss things with you in any depth.

Health & Wellness coaching is all about closing the gap…

There is much you can do to keep yourself healthy and well that does not involve extensive exercise,  consuming potions and pills or resorting to lengthy psychological or psychiatric analysis.  But that’s only half of it.  The other half is that being healthy and well improves both your resistance to sickness and your ability to recover when necessary.

That’s where Health & Wellness  Coaching aspires to lead you.  It does it by working with you to close the gap between where you want to be with your health & wellness and where you are now…and concerned enough to want to do something about it! 

If you’d like to feel better,  lose some weight, or especially, if you’re a Type 2  diabetic or heading for it, or worried about high blood pressure,  heart or vascular diseases, cancer,  neurological diseases inc Alzheimer’s,  irritable bowel syndrome, osteoarthritis (my own bugbear), stress, anxiety, foggy brain..or to take the steps to protect yourself from the worst ravages of viral infections such as Omicron to name just a few,   I can probably help you.

In a nutshell, if being healthy and well enough to run about playing football with your grandkids fires you up but you think it’s not attainable, I can probably help you too. Please feel free to give me a call.


The science and research behind Health and Wellness Coaching is thorough, profound and surprising in its revelations.  It’s also devoid of the commercial and personal conflicts of interest that render much of the so-called “science” that underpins current conventions almost completely unreliable.

PreKure is an educational faculty based in Auckland New Zealand.  PreKure applies its skills, knowledge and eminent scientific reputation into spreading the good word about prevention as being the wise alternative to cure when it comes to health, wellness and longevity.   And quite honestly, it’s a privilege to be associated with them.  I’m sure you will be similarly impressed.

So…I’m proud to say I’m a Prekure Certified Health Coach. 

I look forward to your call.

Prekure’s website is here.


Paul Burns, November 2021

“Until I engaged Ian, I’d really been struggling to put the brakes on my gradual weight gain. However, after working with Ian, he educated me (on my own layman’s level) on the how-to, the ways (and the why’s) to lose weight. He’s tailored an easy-to-follow plan (way of viewing my blood sugar, body measurements, food and moderate exercise), that has seen me make some real improvements. I never feel hungry and am more alert and productive. Ian’s very easy to deal with and is solely interested in helping me meet my objectives.  As Ian is also a living example of someone who successfully practices what he preaches – he’s someone who has “plenty of fruit on the tree” – for you to pick from.”

Roz Woodman July 2022

I started working with Ian in January 2021.

At that point, I felt disillusioned, unfocused and was heavy…… both in weight and mind!!  Ian navigated me though the Prekure programme, starting with coaching sessions to ascertain my state of mind, my anxieties and fears, my eating habits and the triggers for my diet choices.

He explained really clearly how to adopt a keto/LCHF/intermittent fasting lifestyle and the tool kit that makes it easy to adopt.  And since he has successfully adopted such a  programme himself,  he acts as an excellent role model!

I learned quickly, ate appropriately,  and started to look and feel sooooooo much healthier and stronger…… and the results have been astounding!!

I have lost almost 2 stones (12.7kg).  I look and feel slimmer and FFFARRRRR more attractive!  Hey presto, I have met a wonderful man and have landed a senior role in the company where I work.

All as a result of the high energy and concentration levels that I now experience on a daily basis.

THANK YOU Ian, for transforming my life.
